Tag Archives: j blair brown

Birth of ‘the baby’


That’s the sound of relief from the ‘birthing’ my new ebook, “YOU Can Become a Freelance Writer in 60 Days,” which was loaded onto Smashwords’ website just yesterday.

It was a grueling task but, like any birth, well worth it.

I’m thrilled with my ebook! I know there are several other books and ebooks on the topic but none of them have my particular story, my wit, my past – and that makes mine unique. It’s one of the things I talk about in the ebook: We all have our own story to tell, our own way of telling it – so in essence that qualified us to become writers in our own right.

I’ve had people ask me how I did it, how I broke through and became a writer (as if it’s some magic bullet). And I tell them the same thing I’m going to tell you: I made up my mind to write. I don’t mean to minimize it, but that’s pretty much how it began.

Sure, there are other things I had to implement: a structured plan, tenacity, determination  and (I think this is the most important part) humility to realize that I didn’t have all the answers (or none at all quite frankly).

To put it simply: it took some doing..but not much more of ‘a doing’ than working for someone else and making their dreams and goals a reality.

So there you have it: how I became a freelance writer – and it took FAR longer than 60 days – and that’s why I was determined to write this ebook…so that others (like you) can dodge the missteps that I took and propel to writing success much quicker than it took me.

If you’d like a glimpse of what my ebook has to offer, just download it here and read how YOU Can Become a Freelance Writer in 60 Days and start making your life over.

I did…and it was well worth it.

All the best,

JBlair Brown / Freelance Writer, PR/Marketing Consultant
Author, “YOU Can Become a Freelance Writer in 60 Days

Livin’ the Dream! with 2010 Award-winning Storyteller Eric James Wolf

Livin’ the Dream! with 2010 Award-winning Storyteller Eric James Wolf.

We’re switching gears for this one. This segment will focus on the art of communication – and what better method of communicating than through the lost art of storytelling? Eric James Wolf is a MASTER storyteller. He received the Oracle Award for Distinguished Service to the National Storytelling Community in 2010 – the highest award given to any member of the storytelling community. Learn how this master teller of tales battled dyslexia and today is Livin’ the Dream!

Shout out to my mentor: Ruby Dee

I was talking to someone the other day about people who are admired and those who are actually worthy of being admired (they’re NOT the same thing, believe me).

We determined that there really aren’t many people we admire for the right reasons. There are too-many-worth-mentioning so-so performers, musical acts, (un-)reality ‘stars’, and just plain ol’ losers that – for whatever reason – people look up to.

I’m not referring to the teachers who taught us how to read; the crossing guard who watched over us daily; the ministers who teach us about the Good Book – all great examples and those whom we should admire. I’m referring to those on the big screen, little screen, or even who might appear on your iPod.

I told my friend that, off-hand, I could find just one person in the industry who is note-worthy of my admiration. In fact, I said, “If I ever met her, I’d blubber like an idiot!”

Hence, I pay homage to the great Ruby Dee.

Class Act

“Ruby Dee? Really?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” I responded. “She represents all that there is [and still can be] of my performing years. Her life made my life possible,” I proudly proclaimed.

Indeed. I cherish Ruby Dee. This isn’t to say that I don’t admire Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, the late Ossie Davis (Ruby’s husband) and all the rest of those who came before me. It’s just that, point-for-point, for me at least Mrs. Davis personifies the struggles, pain, endurance and excelling virtue of many African Americans in the industry. In those early years it was nearly impossible for any one of us to be portrayed as someone other than ‘the help.’ We were slaves, maidservants, menservants and any other occupation associated with servitude. And that was just on the screen.

Off the screen, most Americans didn’t see us for anything other than that. That’s the reality. Just watch any film or TV series prior to the 1970’s. (NOTE: I-Spy and Julia do not count!)

But I digress. To get back to my point: at a time when we were actually living those days, there were the heroes, the dignified icons (like Ruby Dee, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier and so many others) who waded in it, breathed it in deeply (and daily), had it thrown on them with a shovel – so that those after them (like me) could accomplish my goals, my dreams, my desires of standing before an audience – not merely entertaining (as in minstrel shows) – but to stand proudly for one’s craft; the gifts we were given.

So this is a hearty shout out to Mrs. Ruby Dee Davis, my hero and mentor. While I never met you, I certainly have admired you…and you are worthy of (at least) that much.

With sincerest regards,

Judith Blair Brown, Harrisburg, PA

Ms. Brown is a freelance writer, PR and marketing consultant. Learn more about her rants at www.ajuicebreak.workpress.com and at her Web site at www.thejblairbrown.com.